One of my favorite therapy tools I use comes from a therapy called Solution Focused Therapy (SFT). This therapy focuses on specific behaviors that, if changed, help with emotional and physical outcomes. It uses scaling as one of its major tenets.
One of the interventions used to help use scaling is something called the “miracle question”. The miracle question goes like this:
You wake up tomorrow and a miracle has occurred: your problem is gone! Awesome, right? OK, now here is where the real miracle works: How do you know the miracle occurred? If the problem you are struggling with is a bad relationship with your spouse, what would be the first thing you might have noticed in the morning that would have indicated the miracle? Would you have a different attitude? Perhaps you did an act of service for them.
If you were able to indicate one or two behaviors, beliefs or attitudes that you could change, that is what you can focus on. This is an empowering activity because it helps you to not be in a victim state.
There are changes you can make today that will help, incrementally, to create miracles in your life.